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Target Audience for the Horror Genre

By Rebecca King


Stereotypically more males would enjoy horror whereas females would enjoy romance but these are broad generalisations and I have found do not hold true in reality.


I found statistics gathered by the 'Val Morgan Cinema Network', which has conducted much research into movie going audiences. Here is what they found about what audiences attend horror movies at cinemas:


















When analysing this data i found that statistically the info seems to show the typical target audience of a horror movie is diverse and complicated.


Generally, the gender is almost equally split, but clearly the audience tends to be more dense towards the 18-25 category than any other.


So we can depict from this that categorically speaking, the typical audience of a horror film is generally young adults ranging between 18-25 across both genders.


I interviewed some of my target audience to find out more about them and see what they may have in common:
























According to those in my target audience which i have identified there seems to be no common link between them other than being aroung 17 or 18 years of age. Activities and hobbies are varied although some are interested in adrenaline fueled activities such as crollercoasters, mountain biking, and skateboarding. They also seem to enjoy horror in not only film genres, but also in television, liking american horror story, wrestling, walking dead and breaking bad which all hold a aspect of either thriller or horror. 

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